Luraco I7 Plus Massage Chair Review 2024 (Pros & Cons)

Luraco I7 Plus Massage Chair Review

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Last Updated on July 30, 2024 by John

Are you looking for a complete Luraco i7 plus massage chair review? Do you want to know everything about this seat before investing your hard-earned money in it? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then you have come to the right place. 

In this article, you will find a detailed review of the Luraco i7 plus massage seat which will cover it from different angles. You will learn more about its features and benefits as well as how it compares with other similar products in the market today.

In addition, we also provide some tips that can help you make an informed decision when buying a product like this one.

If you are interested in learning more about the product or if you would simply like to get a better understanding of what it has to offer, keep reading. We hope you enjoy our comprehensive review of the Luraco i7 plus!

Luraco i7 Plus Massage Chair Features

Luraco I7 Plus Massage Chair Review (2)

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The Luraco i7 plus is a high-end massage chair that comes equipped with many advanced features. It was designed by a company called Luraco. The company specializes in designing ergonomic chairs for people who spend long hours at their desks.

It offers several unique features such as:

S-Track Build

The first and most important thing about this seat is the S-track build structure that makes it different. This whole structure provides an extra layer of comfort as compared to other seats on the market.

It has quad rollers that provide a splendid fit to your spinal curves which help in relaxing. It may not be the most advanced design but it still provides comfort and reliability. 

3D Scan

The next feature sets the Luraco i7 plus apart from the rest of the market. Using this intelligent technology, it completely scans your body with its 3D scanning ability. It, then, adjusts the rollers according to the needs and requirements of your body position.

Although sometimes you still have to make adjustments it still makes a difference as compared to other chairs. With the help of these advanced features, you will get the best massaging experience ever. 

4D Massaging Technology 

As mentioned earlier, the seat does have a 3D scanning feature. However, that’s not all because there’s something else that you need to know. It comes with an additional technology called the 4D massaging technology.

This provides an extra layer of comfort by setting the roller in an additional direction. Moreover, the rollers are able to move away from their actual position by 3 inches which is a lot. This will let the set work flawlessly on all of your muscles and will provide you with a deep tissue massage. 

Luraco I7 Plus Massage Chair In standby mode

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Zero Gravity Setting 

Of course, how can we forget about the best feature i.e. the zero-gravity setting? This Nasa inspired technology is something that makes the chair different from the whole market. It enhances the overall user experience but you might be wondering what makes it so special.

To know it’s important you need to understand the working principle of this function. It adjusts your body position automatically in such a way that your knees are slightly elevated from your chest.

Now, this helps in centering the weight of your body against the roller of the seat. This enables the rollers to work on your muscles deeply and provide a super smooth, comfortable, and relaxing experience throughout the massage. 

Features Multiple Settings 

Last but not least the seat comes with a ton of settings that makes it much ahead of its competitors on the market. The following are some of the most important settings that you can use to get the best out of your seat. Please be mindful that they are not the only settings but we will leave the rest for you to explore. 

  • Tapping 
  • Quick
  • Health
  • Sport
  • Soft
  • Night
  • TV Mode
  • Tapping
  • Stretch

Each of these can be set easily with an extremely user-friendly interface control. This means no matter what the situation is you can easily set the seat according to your needs and get relaxed. For instance, you had a rough day at work you can simply set the seat to tapping mode.

Apart from that, sportsmen can switch it to the stretch mode or sport mode depending upon their needs. There are endless choices that you can make with the Lauraco i7 plus. 

Extensive Heat

It’s not quite “full-body” heat; rather, it’s just full-body warmth. However, the heat function works even better in the massage chair from Luraco i7 than most others available today, including elements in the backrest, seat, and footwells.

It’s even better than that! You can control the temperature intensity using five different settings from the remote, which makes this an incredibly useful feature for any room. It’s probably going to be your second most important feature, after the body stretch. We’re going to talk about that one now.

Let’s now take a look at the pros and cons of the Luraco i7 plus and see what are its good and bad points.

Luraco I7 Plus Massage Chair controller

Things We Liked About Luraco I7 Plus

  • Comes with an advanced design 
  • Very reliable for prolonged usage
  • Intelligent 4D massaging feature
  • Allows you to play music during the massage

Things We Didn’t Like About Luraco i7 Plus

  • Lacks back or arm massage in TV mode
  • Some users are not happy with the tilting style of the TV mode 
  • The seat reclines back to zero gravity mode whenever you push any area in the manual mode

Last Minute Thoughts

If you have made it this far, we hope you have learned a lot from our luraco i7 plus massage chair review. However, if you still have some confusion in your mind regarding the seat then we can help you further. 

If you are looking for a stylish massage seat then there is nothing wrong with this chair. It features a sleek and stylish design that makes it different from the rest of the market. However, at the same time, you should also consider your needs and requirements.

As we already mentioned the seat lacks back and arm massage during TV mode which may not make a lot of people happy. In addition to this, it goes into zero-gravity mode whenever it detects pressure during the manual mode. 

We’ve done our part and the choice is yours now. If you are looking for the above-mentioned features then this is by far the best option to go for. However, if you are looking for something extra then you may want to consider something else. 

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